Episode 81: When you need more money - do this!
I recently got asked: "What do I do when I don't feel like I've got enough money? "
Is this question burning a hole in your pocket? Let me sew that up for you so you can receive, hold, and enjoy more money.
1. The first step is to open to receive. I invite you to grab your journal and write down all the different ways you could receive money. Writing every possibility is a great way to open all the channels.
2. Start looking at your blocks and limiting beliefs around money. Once you’re clear on what they are, it’s time to heal and replace those beliefs with a powerful money mindset.
3. Now it’s time to start manifesting! Write down all the things you’ve manifested so far in your life – good and bad. You might be surprised at what a powerful manifestor you already are. If you’d like support, my Vision Board workshop is available on my website and my Gina Swire app.
4. If you’re money avoidant like I used to be, I recommend a sexy money date every week where you bite the bullet and you look at your accounts and you see what's really there. If you have an anxious attachment style to money, the book Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller is a great resource. Practice dropping into trust and reducing how often your check your accounts. Say to yourself “I'm going to relax. I'm going to trust. I'm going to let the Universe do its thing.”
5. Know that money is always working for you. It's always trying to come to you. Be in gratitude for money. Notice the abundance that's already around you. As you listen, look around your room, or car, or wherever you are, and soak in the abundance that already exists.
6. Put on a Lakshmi money mantra.
7. Listen to/read money books. Some of my favourites are Rich as Fuck by Amanda Frances and Get Rich Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas.
8. Create an Abundance Corner in your home. In feng shui, the best location for this is the southeast corner of your house. You can check this using a compass app. Create an altar adorned with sacred objects. I like to put coins overflowing out of a heart-shaped bowl onto a mirror, different currencies, a money plant, some jewellery, and a Chanel sunglasses box. Pray to your money altar. Ask it to provide for you.
9. Take yourself on sexy money dates. Perhaps this is taking yourself to a fancy hotel or restaurant, or to a gorgeous spa, or sitting somewhere that feels abundant to journal and soak up the codes. Or you could do a meditation around dropping into trust with the Universe.
10. Meditate on the question “what would a day look like for the most abundant version of me?” then write it in your journal.
11. If you have any friends who are wealthy or just really good with money, ask them what they do. Have a money date with them and get the codes!
12. Affirm “I am great at making money. No matter what happens, I can always find a way to make money.”
13. Expand your self-love. This is a powerful way to expand your money consciousness and your millionaire consciousness! Check out my book, my app and my
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Read my best selling book: PS I love me
Email the PS I Love Me Podcast: teamselflove@ginaswire.com