My free 5-minute Magic Mirror video is a game-changer.
Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing a
Is it hard to even imagine that? Is your negative self-talk draining your energy?
I had a client who hated her reflection so much that she covered up all the mirrors in her house. After getting a divorce five years ago, her confidence was at an all-time low. But in just a few weeks of us working together, she was dating someone new and her confidence had skyrocketed. Not only were her mirrors back in action, so was she!
Now, when she looks in the mirror, she sees herself in a whole new light.
It’s the self-love glow up!
Mirror work is POWERFUL.
But what if the idea of mirror work gives you the ick? If that’s you, trust me, you are not alone! What feels completely out of reach right now can be quantum shifted into a whole different reality…

Turn down the volume on the mean voices in your head so you can love what you see in the mirror

What happens when you look in the mirror?
Is there a voice in your head that points out all your perceived imperfections? That says things like “I’m so gross”, “I wish I looked different”, “ugh, look at all that disgusting cellulite”…
Well, there’s ALSO a deeper voice that you probably don’t even recognise most of the time, because it’s constantly running in the background of your subconscious, ruining your dreams and sabotaging your efforts to transform your life.
In this short video, I show you how to flip the script on these voices so you can look in the mirror and begin to LOVE what you see (even the things you struggle with now).
Plus, you’ll get a mini-journal to guide you through the process.
This is a simple but powerful exercise to practise in real-time that you can use again and again!