Wish you could tap into an infinite well of self-love, anytime, anywhere? This practical, self-paced course is the perfect introduction to self-love and manifestation. Expect powerful practices which show you how to create a life you love.

A 4-week masterclass where you will learn ALL there is to know about manifesting and self-love, so you can shift your life in a big, fun, energetic, loving way. Making everything you know at the moment way, way cooler and more fun.

Are you seeking validation from your partner, secretly searching for a partner to ‘give you love’ or just simply plodding along being mean to yourself wondering why life doesn’t feel very colourful? Have you been hearing of people around you magically manifesting wonderful opportunities, relationships and material things into their life and wondering how the F they are doing it?
I frickin hear you.
That used to be me.
I was living in NYC with my badass international modelling career, all the designer shoes in the world, countless opportunities… but feeling… well… empty and uninspired. Waking up feeling anxious like there was somewhere else or even someone else I was supposed to be! Isn’t it funny how that works? At the time I had no idea what I was missing either (even sadder). I thought if I was cooler, partied more (more chance to meet someone), did my makeup more flawlessly or worked out harder at the gym, I’d find it.
Are you looking for love, in all of the
Even thinking of myself back then makes me feel so sad.
The thing is… it’s aaaaall unnecessary suffering. Yes, suffering. Like ‘glam girl got it all good’ suffering. The worst kind, in a way. You know the kind of suffering you actually feel guilty for having. Ooofh.
I would say to myself, I’ve got sooooo much. How can I feel like this, when there are people literally starving to death in the world? How can I say or think, ‘poor me?’ And no matter how many people told me I had the dream life – I didn’t feel it.

“I’m just sitting here chuckling to myself and slightly in shock. Manifestations are falling into place like a magical jigsaw. Thank you so much!”
“Gah! Just had to share a recent manifestation!! Just checked in online for a flight to Vegas and I’ve been put in first-class for the second leg of it. Whoop- whoop!”

AND completely miserable inside?”
I get it.
You see, this kind of downward spiral is all completely avoidable (wish I’d known that back then. Seriously). Yes, there is something ‘missing’ kind of. But it’s actually all there, it just takes something special to jog your memory, remind you of who it is you came here to be and then ‘tune in’ to the awesomeness of you.
You came here to be loved, happy, free and radiant, right?
Me too!!
What if I told you I can help you shift the grey clouds, see the glorious sunshine, tap into the infinite universal potential and manifest everything you desire into your life.
Sounds like a big claim, I know. But honestly, that’s how it feels when you master MANIFESTING SELF LOVE.
You’ll no longer need endless validation, flawless makeup, a perfect body or a partner to start living. Like, REALLY living. I’m talking walking into a room like you are wearing a cape living!
…you feel phenomenal from within.
Even in the natural rhythm of life with its ups and downs – you effortlessly remember that you are ALWAYS LOVED and you always have ACCESS TO LOVE.
Then… this is where the magic happens.
When you feel secure in yourself, you quit attracting all the average opportunities, mismatched partners, criticism and any other low vibe shiz you may recognise in your life now.
You become a magnet for all that is great. Not good. GREAT. Intentionally creating your future exactly how you want it. Because you know you are worthy of it all. You are not faking it.
You are it.
When you crack...

I’ve been working with thousands of women all over the world to create this transformation full time over the past six years… and many, many more have been asking me how they can jumpstart their self love journey and get in on the action.
I didn’t want to keep all this powerful information for my one-on-one clients and the limited numbers of ladies I lead through my retreats.
I wanted to be more expansive, make a bigger impact and reach more women just like you.
So… what are the first steps to this self-full life?

“Small win but had to share. Put a sewing machine on my vision board.. less than half an hour later my boss messages me to say she has one for me! So big up Manifesting vibes, love it, it works and you are all amazing!”
“I’m finding the support of the other women in the group very inspiring and I love your stories. Makes me believe I can do it too. Before this course, I felt in a pretty hopeless place. I have already recommended the course to quite a few friends.”

What is the Manifesting Self Love Program?
It’s a 4-week masterclass. Where you will learn ALL there is to know about manifesting, self love and shiiiiift your life in a big, fun, energetic, loving way. Making everything you know at the moment waaaaaaaay way cooler and more fun.
If you are:
● Not being your true self
● Your own worst enemy
● Listening to your inner critic
● Living on autopilot
● Self loathing
● Just about tolerating yourself
Then this is for you.

“Your program was amazing and I still look back at my notes as reminders. I manifested my dream love of my life after the program ended :-) he’s my soulmate!!! I’m so happy.”
”Thank you Gina Swire for guiding me to myself.”
"Hey everyone! I really enjoyed completing the course. I genuinely feel like I’m already re-aligned in the way I think and react to things".

Are you ready to do this exciting work now????
If the answer is yes, if you want all the content and allllll the transformation here’s what to do.
Buy the course now for just £333. Click om the “Yes I Want It’ Button.
4-week masterclass + lifetime access
Weekly workbook designed especially to get maximum impact in a short space of time.
Bonus meditations and resources.
I offer a 100% money back guarantee for the ‘Manifesting Self Love’ course.
If you feel it’s not working for you after week two you will be entitled to a full refund. We will ask to see your homework and workbooks to ensure you have given it the time needed. I have poured my heart and soul into this course for you to have an amazing transformation, so I am confident that if you complete the tasks that is what you will have.
After two weeks after your purchase the refund will no longer be available.

Bursting with self-love gifts, insights and revelations.