A 12 week Online Course

My unique 12 step method recalibrates self-worth at a cellular level, reconnecting you to the boundless well of love at the centre of your being, realigning your divine feminine energy and harnessing your creative power.
When self-love connects you to your true essence suddenly everything becomes possible…
If you’re saying “WTF Universe?” more often than you’re saying “F*ck Yes Universe! More please!!!” then you’re in the right place - expect fast expansion!
If your energy drops through the floor when you catch a glimpse of your bank statement, beloved or body, instead of going through the roof - this one’s definitely for you.
If you’re done with looking in the mirror feeling like a sack of potatoes and wanna be booty popping like Beyoncé on the regular, your life’s about to get a whole lot juicier!
I thought so!

Imagine looking in the mirror &
seeing just how powerful you are!

We’ve been conditioned to focus on lack and imperfection. But self-love shows you who you really are: an expansive, creative, empowered, divinely guided MIRACLE who can create anything you want.
So why does it feel like such a struggle?
There’s a self-help industry that makes billions every year telling you that you’re broken…
There are endless programs and books out there trying to help you “fix” what’s wrong – lose weight, advance your career, find a romantic partner, become a better parent, manage your finances… And yet FEW people actually ever ACHIEVE what they want. WHYYY?
Self-love is the missing piece.
My 12 Step Self Love Transformation shows you how to remove blocks to abundance by harmonising the parts of you that are eagerly waiting for the healing power of your love.

If you’re feeling like…
I never have enough time
I’m sick of always being broke
I can’t stop being rejected
This isn’t how I thought my life would be
I miss the old me. How do I get her back?
I can’t stop comparing myself and it’s draining all my energy
I feel so gross in my body. I wish I could be completely different.
Life hasn’t turned out like I thought it would.
I’ve tried everything and nothing is working.
You are not alone.

Self-love expert and bestselling author of PS I Love Me.
For a long time, it looked like I had it all. I was a plus-size model, working for major brands around the world. But I knew something was missing. I quit modelling at the peak of my career and stripped back everything that wasn’t working in my life. That’s when I received the powerful self-love codes that I now teach.
The next one was this:
“You are surrounded by love, but you’ve got no idea how to receive it. You’ve been loved your whole life, but you don’t have a way to accept it, so you feel like you need more from the outside. You are looking for acknowledgement, but when you are given it, you push it away. In truth, you are so loved.”
The last big realisation was this:
“You want to be seen, heard, felt and acknowledged, but love comes from within. Your soul is free-flowing. You can tap into it at any time. You are love and you are infinite. You can give generously to everyone around you and never run out.”
The first simple, yet powerful, message was this:
“You don't need to change anything about yourself. You've been focusing on changing – on becoming more beautiful, more intelligent, earning more money. You don’t need to do any of that. You just need to be who you are.”

Self-love unlocks the F*CK YES Chakra and suddenly anything is possible...

Receiving these codes changed my life forever. Even though life is not always unicorns and rainbows, I’ve never spent a day without self-love, regardless of what’s going down in the 3D world outside of me.
We are only able to receive love at the level we love ourselves.
Perhaps a lack of self-love is also blocking you from getting what you really want… a deeply committed relationship, a vibrant, healthy body that you feel radiant in, a f*ck yes career of play and a ‘wow, I’ve really nailed this’ lifestyle supported by the baddest-of-the-bad soul sister crew.
Get ready, the spaceship is on the launchpad and we’re just waiting for YOU!

to fiercely loving myself every day, I was able to….
♡ Replace loneliness with love.
♡ Stop berating myself and start pleasuring myself.
♡ Manifest like a frickin pro.
♡ Tap into love anytime, anywhere.
♡ Attract super soul sister cheerleaders all over the world who amplify me beyond what I thought was possible, coming from a sleepy town in England.
♡ Experience profound romantic love and become multi-orga$mic.
♡ Harmonise my body so restricting and binge eating became a thing of the past.
♡ Travel the world to my heart’s desire.
♡ Become a bestselling author who gets stopped in Wholefoods and thanked for the work I do.
AND create an amazing heart-centred business where I get to help people every single day have results like these:

Love for the 12 Step Self Love Transformation programme from some of our wonderful past students...
Can’t listen right now? Read these…
All of the courses and the personal development I have done for, let's say, the last four year is all of their levels and those sorts of terminology. And I'm really driven and passionate and I feel I keep doing these things and it's it's not change in anything. And the reason is, is because there's not this list of things I have to fix or do It's it's deep down in me.
It's, it's all me. I'm the only thing that's holding me back. And if I damn well I did things when I joined, I've got to fix me. And now, actually, I know it's not fixed. It makes sense that taking everything and enjoying everything that I am rather than looking out there for the answer and the one to ten list.
It's all, hey, that realization. I can't even remember when I had the light bulb moment I felt suddenly I was okay to feel empowered. I didn't need somebody to say, yes, you. You can do this. I just. I just felt it. All of a sudden, the end of that unit or all of the units I thought did all I'm done.
It was little bits all the way through. The community is unlike anything else. I feel like a couple of the girls a message all the time, and I speak to them probably on a deeper, more connected level. Than my best friends of years. You know, you can be really honest and just say exactly what's going on, which is a bit bizarre considering that you've met.
I'm less hard on myself instead of thinking of failed everything today and feeling. I've always tried to stay positive regardless, but I think now I, I just accept it and think like today's been a bit of a blip, but it's absolutely fine because everything's going to be corrected tomorrow and the universe will give me more of what I need and it's coming.
It's all coming. To me. I've just got to write this through. And it's completely normal now. Completely normal to just feel it rather than chastise myself for failing today. I've always had this amount on my head that when I reach that level of income, I'm a success. And I've constantly strived and I've always, always hit the halfway mark.
And then I thought, I'm just going to put the silly number out there again because it's just telling them that I won't reach it and I got a new job. Well, it wasn't that amount. It was fine. And at the end of week one he helped my salary. And then at the end of week two, he offered me another job, which was not advertised for nothing at all, the salary.
And I turned it down. I've said to him now, repeatedly, now, I don't want that I'm happy with X, and this is because I'm pursuing other things. I was like, No, I don't want that. But now I feel like a success anyway. We're not I don't want to have chosen. No, that's not for me. People have asked me, actually, since I know I've seen the shock of the things for Gina, you know, how has he found a fool about it?
And I will say to him, What? What's holding you back? Just do it. Because the fact that you're asking me means that you you already want to do it, and you already know you should. You just wanting my validation. So don't do you don't do it for what I say. But I can tell you that it's just been amazing for me.
And they've been told me that. Yeah, I've seen changes in you. I said, well, if you want that, go get it. Because it's just that nothing that I saw, I was always looking for something that was the fix. And then it was only that realization of everybody else that's totally worthwhile. Totally worthwhile. Probably about five years ago now.
I don't need any of that of I'm fine. That was always my friend, and now I'm probably like the biggest advocate.
The 12 Step program kind of went above and beyond what's expected today surpassed any expectations I had I think it was pretty and I decided to join the 12 Step program because I felt like I could achieve more and be better, but I wasn't quite sure how to do that. I think I realized that self-love was the way forward, but I didn't know how to self or how to do that.
I think my biggest takeaway is to change yourself every day when things aren't going your way or you don't feel like you really know self about that moment to just do it anyway. I think the best part was actually feeling part of the half a strong group women and tribe, and feeling that power, being together and each other.
It's so nice that you do these monthly calls to catch up with each other because once you're finished the course, you really miss them. But coming together in these cooks gives you peace to keep going. It's nothing to go that route. I think in getting the call, my boyfriend moved in with me. We're really enjoying living together, which is something which you wouldn't nervous about.
It's going really, really well together. I never imagined. I always feel brave enough to do it. But we're actually planning to move closer together to each floor to try and take in another country, which I would never have had that confidence in myself. Ever dream about? Oh, 100%. Yeah, just stuff. I'm so glad that I did. And I feel so grateful to Gina.
Then I did I honestly feel like it's changed my life, and I feel like I've grown so much as a person. Sure. Like a completely different person now. When I first started yeah. If you're in any doubt, 100% do it.
This is the juiciest course I've ever signed up to. I think it's just it's more than what I expected. It to be, and it just it's kind of the gift that keeps on giving. I was definitely cool to join this cause I saw it pop up, and within two days, I signed up and I signed up immediately. It was no question about it.
I didn't have a reason as such to sign up and hadn't been following you at all. I had no idea who you were until two days before I signed up, and I'm so glad I did. It's led me on a massive journey and it wasn't the answer I needed. I didn't even know I was looking for the meditations.
Definitely the best part. Of course, the locals, I feel like they come at the exact right time that you need them. I've definitely found a bit more direction in my life since the course. I didn't really have a sense of purpose, even though I've always manifested what I wanted in life. I didn't really have a purpose or direction to use those manifestations.
I was just kind of doing whatever I wanted and whatever I felt like doing at the time. So now I feel like I've got a bit more purpose. Honestly, I think it's because your connections and your network, the community of girls that are in the group, opens up doors and opportunities to see things that you can just explore.
And I love I love the fact that everything's open. There's a whole world out there. If you're getting a call to join or something's telling you that this is the right path and this is where you need to be right now, follow follow up because it really is the gift that keeps on giving you. You don't know what piece of information you're going to hear from this course, and it will be something that you definitely want to hear, I'm sure.

Bypass years of struggle and welcome an abundance of flow, humour and grace into your life with your own 12 step self-love transformation…
Over the course of twelve weeks, you’ll receive a selection of video workshops, lessons, specially curated resource videos and bonus materials as well as workbooks, journaling prompts and exercises to support the video content and propel your transformation.
Too busy? Although this is a 12-week programme, if you join today you’ll get lifetime access and can follow along every time the programme restarts.

♡ Learn how to forgive and release past hurts and free up space for love to flow in.
♡ Learn my simple 4-step decision-making process to help you gain instant clarity from a heart-centred place.
♡ Discover a 4-word “magic question” that allows you to instantly cut through your self-imposed blocks and move to a place of empowerment.
♡ Receive my “wheel of emotions” visual tool that works at a glance to help bring awareness to what’s really going on for you.
♡ Learn how to have FUN with the voice in your head (hint: when you do this it INSTANTLY changes the dynamic, so your inner voice goes from bully to cheerleader!).
♡ Learn how to “flip the switch” from self-hate to self-love.
♡ Discover why you should carry around a picture of yourself as a child.
♡ Learn a simple exercise to help you see problems and challenges as positive (and how to approach them with humour).
♡ Learn 7 different ways to listen to your intuition and trust yourself more.
♡ Experience my “let’s get weird” exercise which enables you to celebrate your quirks instead of hiding them…
♡ Experience my powerful body acceptance exercise.
♡ Discover a potent exercise that allows you to turn up the thermostat of self-worth.
♡ Receive my tried and tested guide to refer to when times get tough so that you can always come back safely to self-love.
♡ Learn the “Breadcrumbs Process” to help you see which direction the universe wants you to go in (this will give you so much clarity on the things you may have been ignoring that are usually hiding in plain sight!).
♡ Learn self-love Ikigai – the “fill in the blanks” Japanese principle for finding purpose and meaning. The first time I was introduced to this it changed the trajectory of my life, so obviously I’ve included it for you 😜.

Plus, you’ll get access to:
Downloadable MP3s
Bonus resources
Private NEXT-LEVEL Facebook community
Once you put these 12 steps into practice, you’ll experience:
More confidence
Deeper, more soulful relationships
More opportunities and wealth
More vital energy than ever before and the total pleasure of being in your body!

Just like my successful clients. This could be you!
"Omg, the course has completely exceeded all of my expectations! Before joining 12-step self love transformation I felt being held back... my relationships were failing and I felt unclear on what I want in my future. The course has helped me to view myself in a completely different way! My relationships are improving, my boundaries are becoming healthy and I'm no longer at war with myself, my body and my food! I have found a new kind of FREEDOM and SELF BELIEF – and I'm so excited for more!"
"Working with my clients I always found it easy to invite them to practice self love, but struggled to give it to myself. I told myself to just practice it...but it didn't work. Fast forward today, and my self-worth has really stepped up. I find it so much easier to create boundaries and ask for what I want. I legit feel like a QUEEN and I believe that I am the CEO of my life! Best of all, I am my own best friend now. I KNOW I'm worthy of everything that I want and I have complete faith and trust in the Universe that everything is happening for a reason. THANK YOU, Gina!"
"Before joining I felt completely lost within myself and felt I had no purpose in life other than being a mum. Add to that various underlying issues that I had stored away and hadn't properly dealt with. Right from day one this course has been just incredible! | found that digging deep into my past and my problems have massively helped and the support and amazing work from Gina has brought EVERYTHING TO LIGHT! Feeling relieved and grateful!"

That’s a total value of £2,543!!! Yay to abundance!
You’ll also get:
♡ Workshop: Create a badass vision board and upgrade your life
♡ Guided practice: Expand your energy kundalini yoga practice
♡ Workshop: Abundance magnet
This really is the gift that keeps on coming… 😉
When you invest in your 12 Step Self Love Transformation, I always set an intention for you to manifest your entire investment back, and then some 😜, within the time that it takes to complete it. I invite you to do the same!
We’ve got a thread in the group where everyone shares how they’ve manifested the money back and the stories are astonishing every single time!

Please watch these videos. They will answer most questions you may have.
Can’t listen right now? Read these…
This was just the perfect program. It gave me so much joy and so much love. And it really helped me, you know, believing in myself on a daily basis. Doing the program. I realized that life is happening today. And Gina just helped me and gave me the space and the permission slip to go out there and chase my dreams.
And change my life from scratch because I deserve it. If you really, really want to do something great for yourself, I promise you investing in yourself, prioritize yourself and working together with Gina's one of the best decisions you can do in your life. Comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. If you want to experience real growth, you just have to go out there and do the things that sounds scary to you or feel scary at the beginning, but in the end, it's super, super rewarding.
And you will be so proud of yourself if you have committed to yourself and prioritized yourself. And you will see this is the gift that keeps on giving. You start doing it once in your life and you will see it impacts every day of your life. So this is just really the best thing you can do right now.
I'm really proud that I will be part of your big mission to change the life of, you know, like a billion women around the globe because I started because of you. And then you don't know how many other women I will inspire. So this is exactly what you were planning for the whole time.
My journey with self-love started about a year and a half ago when I first came to your soiree at Christmas and then I started kind of really at the beginning of this year. So I was suffering from a bad illness. And at the beginning of this year and for the past year before it made me feel really down.
And I think it was a lot to do with hormones and just there was a lot of stuff going on in my body that was stress related, I think, to me. So much has changed since I've been doing all this work. I've become a yoga teacher, which is amazing. I put on my vision board to be healthy and get well So yeah, I just feel like so much happier and healthier.
I wasn't happy before, but I just don't think I was in my true high vibe potential and I feel like now I'm there and loads of people have seen the difference in me as well, and I yeah, just wait for it. Maybe that's a good thing. That's that's just by being the. I think when you're happier, you just feel good, don't you?
And I look in the mirror and I'm not self-conscious at all. I used to look at my legs and I wanted to let them. They could be thinner and know I'm like these, like, so really struggling. They carry me all over the world, like, you know, that kind of stuff. So, yeah, I just feel really happy and I have, I, I tell people who are thinking about joining the calls that definitely do it.
If you're feeling like you're not sure of yourself or you're not quite feeling that self-love, or you just start feeling that you're living up to your full potential to join the cause because you're going to gain a lot of valuable lessons. And not just it's not just about thinking about how you look or anything like that. It's kind of a really well rounded course with lots of different tools and things like managing money even, you know, and just setting the boundaries for people.
And I think a lot of us struggle with boundaries of the people, and I think that it's very important that you get from this course as well. And yeah, I just it's worth investing in yourself. The most important thing you can do is invest in yourself. And it's kind of like that thing that you see on airplanes that you are an oxygen mask before you fit someone else's.
If you look after yourself, and you've got a lot more energy to look after the people and to be there for the people, I think that's been the most important thing for me. I realized I needed to step back, take things that easy, and not put so much pressure on myself. And I think I've done that. And this has really helped me to kind of step back in and do that work.
For myself, and then hopefully I'll be able to help other people with that too. I'm so much happier in myself at the moment now. That's always good, and I think not reflects back onto other people as well because nobody thought that I was miserable or anything like that before. I think when you give off lots of good energy you get that back from other people.
And also once you raise your kind of vibration or your energy, you give other people permission to shine as well in a really transformational few months. And I think of my operation was like kind of like the turning point, but I was building up to it, you know? Thank you, sir. Sharing your wisdom and work with us all.
I love the fact that it's like a lifetime investment. I've done four cycles. I think of it now. I think the first time I did it, actually, I wasn't in a good place. But it's so nice knowing that you've made that investment and that it doesn't actually matter if at some stage you can't show up because it's always there for you.
So there isn't that pressure to come into it, trying to be something that you're not. It's it's nice that you have that space in that room to accept wherever you are, because it's always going to be there. So at the beginning, I was uncertain. I didn't know whether I had it in me to change. I had this story going on in my head that it was kind of too late and there was too much damage that had been done.
And I was destined to be this person forever more. There was definitely uncertainty. There was fear of what it was going to bring up for me. Fear was definitely a thing for me, but not so much the fear of the bad stuff. But fear actually of how powerful it might be and how I might actually have to change.
Forgiveness was a really big one, and that's now something that I find really quite easy, and I never found it easy to forgive people. Three words I used to describe myself where broken, angry and hopeless my three words are now open, loving and hopeful. My biggest takeaway is reconnecting with my inner child and learning to forgive myself. That's been the biggest thing for me.
I have so much guilt and shame over lots of different things that have happened in my life, and I learned how to abandon myself. And I'd been abandoning myself for years and years and years. Now that I can look at all of the different fragments of myself and see that actually all of those terrible behaviors, norms, those bad decisions were just because there was a little girl inside of me who was in so much pain and learning to reconnect with her and forgive myself for abandoning her.
That has been without a doubt the most powerful thing. And every single day now I carry her with me and it's like it's like I live in this flat with my best friend. We do everything together that has been powerful beyond measure. Beyond measure, making friends of myself. Yeah. The best part of the course actually is connecting with other women, the power and the love and the friendship and connection that came through.
Women connecting with each other, coming together in our pain, bringing our problems, our issues, our heads, and just being there for one another. Just knowing that you're part of a community of women that want to heal so that they can have better relationships with their children. Partners at work with their friends, knowing that you're part of something bigger and knowing that there's a ripple effect.
So when I'm in pain and when I'm struggling and I don't want to complete the modules and I'm in the mess knowing that I have a group of women who are on this journey and can resonate with me and have been where I've been and a feeling, how I'm feeling and all of that kind of stuff that's been amazing.
Really lean into any fears that you have because there'll be a story underneath that and it won't be that. You know, for me, I thought it was money, but it wasn't money. It was that I was afraid of my life. I was afraid of what would happen. I was afraid that I'd get to the place where I was like, I'm going to quit my job and change my life completely.
But yeah, lean into it because that's the message. That's the exact reason why the reason why you're resisting it is the reason why you need to do it.
The topics for me were like obviously like about my sales relationships and how it came that changed my thinking. Cancel everything you had then. It was strictly what I was looking for. I was skeptical at the very beginning. I had my views at beach and I didn't feel as if I was on a journey. And I went and just went one day and I had some actual things that happened that I just feel if I didn't do something about it, I was just watching it and deeper and deeper.
And by doing that, one day, it was just gonna explode. So I knew a few people that had done your course and I had good references from them, and I just knew I just had a feeling that it was the best thing for me to do. Biggest thing that I learned was I had that realization that what was going on in my life and what was holding me back was the seed of rejection.
And I never knew that before. And I left that business and just this one day, I was doing what a mom would ilth, and it just was like a light bulb just went off in my head. And I always hear people saying, like, you'll get realization. And I was like, Yeah, OK, then. And then it just happened. At D I had two years.
I was happy I was just there. More Shins was like there rollercoaster. But yeah, that was a massive, massive take for me. And definitely that's just what's made that's crucial. For me. For me, it was just finding myself again because I had lost myself for a long time again to personal friends losing my dad to a couple of years ago and then my marriage, the women breaking down.
I just was lost and sensed in the courts. I have found myself again. I have found a community of ghettoes that are just the support network. What is phenomenal as to what is second to none and I've made friends, but honestly, I've just found myself again. And it just feels feels amazing from taking away I've just been I am a stronger person and I can see that and messiest night before a lot of it is over.
So everything everything that happened to me, I would just completely edit myself sick and I would overanalyze everything with last night as a totally different perception. Of things. I don't take things personally. I'm stronger with them myself. I'm just a different person, like mentally at that age, and as cheesy as it sounds, I just love life like so much more naive than what I was like in the moment.
Someone is I would like to do that again, but as not only been tonight of it and I'm like, OK, let's go, you know? So yeah, I'm a completely different person for the better. Yeah, I love that minute, all that. Yeah. I love I love doing it. Don't overthink it is I as of just safe, I wasn't overthink it and I completely overthought this and just do it because it will basically bring the best version of you.
I know you will. Obviously you will. Then motivate yourself. You will take less. You will become a stronger, stronger person. And as its age you will meet amazing women have all different things going on in their life. But we all come together and she was and we help each other through it. And it's just 100%.

There are two options:
6 monthly payments of £367 OR 12 monthly payments of £183
✨Lifetime access to the 12-Step Self Love Training Modules
✨PLUS 5 Bonus trainings worth £2543 (Listed above)
✨Whole loads of new resources
✨Epic Customer Support
6 monthly payments of £1933 OR 12 monthly payments of £918
This will include:
Everything mentioned in GOLD
✨Private retreat day with me
(in person or virtual)
✨1:1 WhatsApp coaching, have my loving support and guidance 24/7 for 3 months
✨Be featured as a podcast guest on my Podcast
✨A complimentary space to any online event and 1st pick of retreats / in person events that I host
✨A signed copy of my
bestselling book PS I Love Me


You can experience the 12 Steps Programme risk-free for 14 days with our 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.
It can be frustrating to invest in lots of things and not get the results you hoped for, which is exactly why I am sharing these self-love tools. Because when you tap into your natural state of love you unlock an endless resource that guides you through life in a whole new way.
My complete faith in this process is why I offer this exceptional guarantee. From your date of purchase, you have a full 14 days to work with me and my team to see if the 12 STEP SELF LOVE TRANSFORMATION is right for you. If it’s not right for you, I’ll gladly refund your money. No questions, no hassles, no hard feelings.

Epic video trainings which cover the 12 steps in easy manageable chunks, worksheets and checklists, amazing bonus resources, downloadable MP3s, private Facebook group support centre.
This course is the biggest gift I could ever create for you! It has completely transformed the lives of countless women due to the accountability, next-level community and extensive resources. The book is a taster into the world of self-love and the programme shows you a whole universe. I like to think of the book as a delicious aperitif, whilst the programme offers you a gourmet banquet, with extra servings of dessert 😝.
Yes it’s very different, there’s lots more depth – as you’d expect from a longer course. The content and style is different.
Anybody who wishes to massively change their life. I believe this powerful work should be taught at school!
Over the years, I’ve coached many men and welcome everyone who wants to experience self-love. This course itself is open to all, however the Facebook community is strictly for women only.
We have lots of businesswomen in the course that smash it, so it’s proven to accelerate business growth and success, however you absolutely don’t need a business to join.
I’ve been privately teaching women for over half a decade, one-to-one, in group coaching programmes and retreats all over the world. I’ve been featured in Cosmopolitan and interviewed on American talk shows sharing my mission to empower women across the world to flip the script on self-doubt. I’ve also written a bestselling book on self-love, called PS I Love Me. I’ve immersed myself in this topic and this course teaches you step-by-step how to create a massive shift in a deeper way than you are likely to have ever seen on a course. That’s what makes it so transformational.
Absolutely! In fact, I’ve had many clients who’ve not had a partner in years and suddenly, with an increase in self-love, men are coming from all angles! We’ve also had multiple weddings and countless babies conceived, which may never have happened otherwise!
Yes it’s all completely confidential unless you volunteer to share your story.
Absolutely not. It’s aimed at all levels, if you’ve done a lot of personal development already it will take you deeper at every stage. If you are new to everything, that’s also fantastic. Welcome! You are in for a really fast and fun learning curve.
Yes. It’s a hybrid of woo woo and science. Personally, I focus less on the science because I like to go by results. If it works it works. And it certainly works (have you watched the video testimonials on this page yet?).
It’s about an hour a week for twelve weeks to get the most out of the course. The more you put in the more you will get out though, so interacting with the community is great. You also have lifetime access, so if any life events come up along the way, you can finish it whenever works. Some ladies like to take a long time to consume it all. Some prefer the fast track. Which are you?
Yes! I’m really glad you’ve asked that. When you sign up for 12 Steps, you will be given an option to add three coaching sessions at the checkout. I also offer VIP one-to-one coaching packages. This is the highest level of support I offer. I only work with a very limited number of women at any one time, so it depends on availability. [At this the time of writing this, these spaces are fully booked.] For more info, please click here.
Yes absolutely!
This is a specially curated programme, coaching and support system. Step-by-step specialised guidance and information with actual practical steps to help you FLOURISH. The information available online is extremely basic around self-love. I like to share the concepts through my own funny stories and experience too, which all the past groups have loved!
I draw on a wide range of modalities and life experiences to bring you this course. I am a certified health coach and a life coach. As well as a 500hr advanced registered yoga teacher and meditation teacher. I have seven years of experience and have coached thousands of women specifically on this topic. I’ve written a book about it and spoken on many stages from Bali Spirit festival to Burning Man to morning TV in Los Angeles.
Yes absolutely, I want you to be completely thrilled with your purchase. You can try this risk-free for 14 days with our 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. From your date of purchase, you have a full 14 days to work with me and my team and see if the 12 STEP SELF LOVE TRANSFORMATION is right for you. If it’s not right for you, I’ll gladly refund your money. No questions, no hassles, no hard feelings.
You have access to our private Facebook group support system. These groups are fantastic and offer full time care. Or you can upgrade to Platinum and have access to my loving support and guidance 24/7.

There are no coincidences. There is a reason you’ve read all the way to the end of this page. There is a reason you’ve been drawn here today, to me, exactly as you are. The first step is often the hardest. From experience, the buzz you receive when you take action and prioritise yourself will be astounding!
I have dedicated my life to this work, for women to slay together.
I will take really good care of you.
I’m so excited to meet you.