Episode 77: Learning how to self-soothe - with Lauren Elizabeth

I know this episode will strike a chord with so many. Lauren shares her experiences with:

- heartbreak
- ending a marriage 
- anxiety
- depression
- constantly feeling too much or not enough 
- learning how to soothe her inner child

With deft insight and inspiring vulnerability, Lauren explores how self-love has helped her to cultivate a centred, loving place inside. She shares how her commitment to self-love has given her the resilience to weather life storms and the faith to manifest the most amazing delights – including a very lovely boyfriend (manifested on the plane home from my Greece retreat this summer!!!)

Get ready for countless mic drop moments. As well as the soothing balm of hearing universal experiences mirrored back, complete with inspiration and wisdom on how to tackle challenges with trust and grace.

“Self-love has given me the freedom to be authentically myself and tell my story and not worry about what anybody thinks.”

After the breakdown of her marriage, a diagnosis of depression and the isolation of lockdown, Lauren delved more deeply into self-development than ever before.

She realised she had always outsourced her worth and happiness to others, repeating the same cycles throughout her life and nearly losing herself in the process.

With this awareness, she started to work on loving herself every day. This commitment led her to joining my
Infinite Self Love Coaching Academy.

Lauren is now a successful self love coach, helping many women within her first 6 months of coaching. She will be launching her first self love coaching course in spring 2023, entitled I AM WORTHY. An affirmation that got her through the toughest times.

On social media, Lauren shares all the highs and lows of a new relationship, her depression and generally how being human is “wonderful and so damn hard at the same time.”

Follow Lauren on Instagram


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Read my bestselling book
PS I Love Me 
Email the PS I Love Me Podcast: teamselflove@ginaswire.com
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12 Step Self Love Transformation
Wishing you could experience more self-love? My unique 12 Step Self Love Transformation method recalibrates self-worth at a cellular level. Discover more at

Infinite Self Love Coaching Academy
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And remember, with self-love, anything is possible...

Join me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/ginaswire/
Read my best selling book:
PS I love me
Email the PS I Love Me Podcast: teamselflove@ginaswire.com

Are you interested in working with me to grow self acceptance and to learn how to love yourself? Check out my 12 Steps Self Love Transformation course.


Episode 78: Have you done a life audit yet? 2022-23 - here’s mine!


Episode 76: The womb is a carriage of infinite love – with Grace Prosser