Episode 6: Friendship, Fidelity, Betrayal and Boundaries with Stephanie Dickinson
Ever fancied being a fly on the wall as two women share their most intimate truths about fidelity, polyamory, eating cake off naked skin, setting boundaries with respect, nurturing freedom and autonomy in relationships, cutting off contact with toxic/abusive partners, building a friendship with an ex, how taking squirty cream to a party gets a mixed reaction, how desire never needs to be shamed, how kink can be loving and sweet, and how following a six-step process after a break-up can transform your entire future…? Then this is the episode for you!
Welcome to Episode 6 of PS I Love Me – it’s bursting full of all the things Stephanie Dickinson and I normally talk about, we just decided to record it!
Stephanie Dickinson is a mindfulness leader on a mission to massively upgrade the relationship skills of millions worldwide. Her superpower is helping people increase their emotional intelligence, create rich and rewarding relationships and find freedom and fulfilment in connection. With her Authentic Relating work around the globe, she’s taken thousands of people from, “This isn’t working” to “This feels soooo good!”
Follow Stephanie on Instagram at @stephanie_dickinson_
Six Steps to Consciously Ending a Relationship.
1. Communicating Resentments
2. Apologizing
3. Forgiving
4. Expressing Gratitude
5. Appreciating What You Loved and Will Miss
6. Saying Goodbye
http://www.interchangecounseling.com/blog/6-steps-to-completing-relationships/ If you’d like to be guided through this process, contact Stephanie
Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott https://www.amazon.co.uk/Existential-Kink-Unmask-Embrace-Getting/dp/1578636477/ref=monarch_sidesheet
The Kink Test
Erotic Blueprints
If listening to us has inspired you to share your own experiences, we’d love to hear from you at teamselflove@ginaswire.com
Are you interested in working with me to grow self acceptance and to learn how to love yourself? Check out my 12 Steps Self Love Transformation course.